The David J. Dixon Appellate Advocacy Award was created by The Missouri Bar Foundation to recognize outstanding achievement in appellate practice by young lawyer members of The Missouri Bar. The award is named after the late Judge Dixon, whose tenacity, professionalism and judicial skills epitomize outstanding appellate practice.
One lawyer from each of the three appellate districts receives the award, which comes with a $750 stipend. The nominees must be under 40 years of age on September 30 of the year in which the award is presented.
Nominations are taken from members of The Missouri Bar starting on January 1, with a deadline of March 15. An application form is mailed to each nominee for completion and return to the Foundation by April 1. Completed applications are then sent to a selection committee of judges, who recommends three nominees for consideration by the Trustees of the Missouri Bar Foundation. The Foundation Trustees make the final decision at the June meeting of the Missouri Bar Foundation.
2011 Winner:
Jeremy K. Brown, Joplin